January 26, 2008

All district programs are governed by the policies of the PCD, as set by the PCD Board of Directors.  Volunteer staffing for these programs, in stipended or non-stipended positions, shall be reviewed by the PCD Personnel Committee, working with the input from the appropriate program group, and brought to the Board for their approval.  Selection criteria shall be established by the Personnel Committee and approved by the PCD Board.  PCD staff is charged with supervisory oversight of these programs, ensuring that they are in compliance with all District policies and the direction of the PCD Board.

All members of PCD committees (except the Board of Directors, which is covered by the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 6) must be members in good standing of a PCD congregation for at least the past 12 months, or have the endorsement of their congregation’s Board.  Waivers may be granted by the PCD Board, upon recommendation of the PCD Personnel Committee.